Risk Management Templates - Descriptions

Inherent Risk Checklist Only $8.85

This template is used to determine whether there are inherent risks on your project. The results should be used as guidelines, since there will be other factors that may lower or raise the risk level. The template also offers strategy suggestions for once the risks have been identified.

This template contains the following sections:

Inherent Project Risk Factors

Risk Management Strategy Tables

Risk Contingency Worksheet (Excel) Only $7.95

This form is used to document a contingency plan for risks. This could also be called "Plan B". In other words, what is the plan if the original risk plan does not work.

This template contains the following sections:

Risk Description

Estimated Impact

% Likelihood

Risk Contingency

Risk Control Form Only $7.95

This is a one-page form that provides comprehensive information on the nature of individual project risks.

This template contains the following sections:

Brief Description

Priority / Probability / Impact

Qualitative Analysis (Risk Severity)

Quantitative Analysis


Response Strategy

Risk Identification Worksheet Only $7.95

This is a one-page form that allows you to list every project risk and some simple characteristics for each risk.

This template contains the following sections:

Potential Risk


Project Impact

Agreed Action

Risk Management Checklist Only $7.95

 This one-page checklist is used to ensure all of the recommended risk activities are completed.

This template contains the following sections:

Activity / Deliverable

Y / N

Risk Management Plan Only $8.85

The risk management plan describes how risk identification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, response planning, monitoring, and control will be structured and performed during the project life cycle.

This template contains the following sections:


Roles and Responsibilities



Scoring and Interpretation



Tracking and Auditing

Project Approvals

Risk Review Only $7.95

This form is used during the periodic risk monitoring events during the project. It will help document the status of current risks and identify new risks. 

This template contains the following sections:

Prior Risks Still Being Managed

Change in %

Change in Project Impact

Change in Risk Plan

New Risks Identified

Risk Event



Risk Plan

Prior Risk Closed

Risk Event

Risk Resolution

Risk Submission Form Free sample! Download now

This template is used to identify new risks for a project. The nature and characteristics of the risk is analyzed and explained. 

This template contains the following sections:

Potential Risk Event (Describe)

How Likely is this Event to Occur? Why?

What is the Project Impact if this Risk Occurs?

Potential Ways to Management this Risk

Risk Tracking Log Free sample! Download now

This is a simple log used to keep track of all identified risks.

This template contains the following sections:

Current Month Rank

Last Month Rank

Risk Event



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